What to eat for urinary calculi?

Fool Old Man Ask on 2024-05-26 08:18:39
Recommended answer

For urinary calculi that cannot be solved by taking medicine in a general way, we need to go to the outpatient clinic for guidance. Large stones and stones with severe obstruction may not be solved by taking medicine, and may require surgery. But for small stones, the possibility of stone removal is high. Generally speaking, stones less than 0.6cm are more likely to be spontaneously discharged. You can take some stone removal drugs, including some Chinese herbal medicine, stone removal particles, and Lysimachia christinae. Of course, besides taking medicine, you should also take more activities and drink more water. In order to reduce the spastic pain of the ureter, Some α receptor blockers can be taken, and specific guidance from doctors is also needed in the outpatient department. It can increase the relaxation of the ureter, help lower the calculus, and reduce pain.

Fool Old Man 2024-05-27 10:49:55

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