Long cough, what kind of medicine will heal quickly

The past is over Ask on 2024-05-29 07:49:03
Recommended answer

Take compound methoxyphenamine for a long cough. Compound methoxyphenamine contains methoxyphenamine, which has antitussive effect. Compound methoxyphenamine contains chlorphenamine maleate. Chlorphenamine maleate can alleviate respiratory reaction, airway hypersensitivity, cough, expectoration and other symptoms. When patients frequently cough, they should also be alert to cough variant asthma, such as frequent dry cough, especially related to exposure to cold air. If the patient has cough variant asthma, the bronchial provocation test will indicate positive. The patient also needs to take oral medicine for treatment, and can take oral medicine to dilate the bronchus, such as sulidade or sibiko. When the patient has gastroesophageal reflux disease, it can also cause the patient to cough. Patients can complete gastroscopy and make a clear diagnosis. If patients have gastroesophageal reflux disease, they can take rabeprazole combined with teprenone, domperidone and other drugs for treatment.

The past is over 2024-06-03 12:10:47

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