What's wrong with the little red spots on my body

Hear songs by the moonlight Ask on April 20, 2024:50:18
Recommended answer

If there are red spots on your body, you should generally consider allergies, mosquito bites and boils. If the skin is very itchy suddenly, check what it is caused by contact allergy, try to avoid contact again, do not scratch with your hands, use the anti allergy ointment, take antihistamines orally for large areas of itching, and properly supplement calcium and vitamins. Mosquito bites, most of the red spots exist alone, some people with good physique can recover by themselves, while those with more red spots and severe itching can be smeared with antipruritic ointment. Most furuncles do not cause itching. When there is an inflammatory stimulus, it is easy to cause mild itching. Use anti-inflammatory ointment to apply it externally.

Hear songs by the moonlight 2024-04-22 12:28:38

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