Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with traditional Chinese medicine

Smiling face with red eyes Ask questions at 11:35:04, May 16, 2024
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First of all, traditional Chinese medicine believes that aging and body failure, kidney qi deficiency are the basis of the pathogenesis of BPH, blood stasis, phlegm turbidity, damp heat, and sperm failure are the basic pathological factors, overwork, emotional stimulation, exogenous six evils, and improper diet are common causes and conditions of the disease, and the basic pathogenesis characteristics are deficiency of the root, deficiency of the kidney, and blood stasis, The key point is to distinguish its syndrome type. TCM treatment of BPH should be based on the basic pathogenesis characteristics of deficiency of origin and excess of appearance, kidney deficiency and blood stasis, and the basic principles of tonifying the kidney to remove qi and activating blood to remove blood stasis. On this basis, according to the different dialectical results, the treatment method should be selected according to the different symptoms, flexible and flexible, and based on the different pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of BPH, Traditional Chinese medicine usually divides it into kidney yang deficiency type, kidney yin deficiency type, blood stasis and internal resistance type, lung heat and qi stagnation type, damp heat accumulation type, liver qi stagnation type, spleen deficiency and qi depression type, etc.

Smiling face with red eyes 2024-05-20 11:11:38

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