What food to eat for peptic ulcer

Not surprised by honor or disgrace Ask questions on 2024-05-13 02:47:42
Recommended answer

For patients with peptic ulcer, first of all, they should pay attention to the cleanliness of their diet. They should not eat spoiled meals. They must clean fruits and vegetables. In addition, in terms of diet, they should try to eat light food. They should eat food that is easy to digest. Of course, they should also supplement nutrition. Food rich in high egg white and vitamins can be properly supplemented. For example, eggs, soybean milk, rice porridge, steamed bread, noodles, fish, or fresh fruits and vegetables, encourage patients to eat normal or high fiber diet, and properly control the intake of protein and fat. In addition, we should also eat less spicy and stimulating food and cold and hard food, and strictly stop smoking and drinking, and avoid fried, smoked and pickled food.

Not surprised by honor or disgrace 2024-05-20 11:47:24

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