What is the big blood pressure difference

People's hearts are good Ask on 2024-05-20 08:22:58
Recommended answer

The large blood pressure difference is caused by the increase of age and the decrease of the elasticity of the great arteries, which belongs to the physiological law. Don't worry about it. High blood pressure difference is mainly related to arteriosclerosis. Everyone's blood pressure is composed of two numbers: high pressure and low pressure. High pressure is also called systolic pressure. It refers to the pressure that the blood in the vascular cavity bears on the vascular wall when the heart is contracting. Low pressure is also called diastolic pressure, which refers to the tension that the blood in the arterial cavity produces on the arterial wall when the heart is relaxing. Systolic blood pressure mainly depends on the systolic function of the heart. The better the systolic function of the heart, the higher the systolic blood pressure. Diastolic blood pressure mainly depends on the elasticity of the big arteries. If the elasticity of the blood vessels is better, the higher the diastolic blood pressure. Generally, with age, the elasticity of people in the big arteries will gradually decline, so we can see that there is such a rule that the diastolic blood pressure of young people is generally higher, Diastolic will become lower and lower with age, leading to a larger differential pressure. In fact, this is a physiological rule, and it is not necessary to focus on the situation of larger differential pressure.

People's hearts are good 2024-05-27 11:07:58

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