What are the benefits of eating American ginseng?

cherish high aspirations Ask on 2024-05-25 05:23:32
Recommended answer

The main benefit of eating American ginseng is to nourish qi and yin. Specifically, American ginseng has a strong tonic and anti-aging effect on the elderly, and can increase intelligence and learning ability for young children. American ginseng also has certain therapeutic effect on modern fatigue syndrome. There are also tumors, because American ginseng can be treated symptomatically, and the adverse reactions after radiotherapy and chemotherapy of tumors, such as dry eyes, nausea, emaciation, and poor appetite. American ginseng is also a good health care product for women. It can remove facial stains. Some patients with chronic diseases, including hypertension, coronary heart disease and angina pectoris, can take American ginseng orally to improve the symptoms of dryness, thirst and boredom. In addition, you must consult your doctor about the use of American ginseng.

cherish high aspirations 2024-05-27 11:04:23

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