How is hydrocele of spermatic cord going on? How are the clinical symptoms?

Happy bamboo Ask questions on 2024-06-21 03:20:45
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The disease of hydrocele of spermatic cord is not strange to most men, and after discovering the existence of this disease, we also need to find out the reason in time. So, what is the problem of hydrocele of spermatic cord and what are the clinical symptoms?

What is the hydrocele of spermatic cord

When the testis descends from the retroperitoneal space, the sheath process consisting of two layers of peritoneum also enters the scrotum through the inguinal canal. Normally, before and after the birth of the fetus, the upper 2/3 of the sheath process is completely closed, and the sheath process of the testis forms a blind bag around the testis, which is called the tunica vaginalis. A small amount of liquid accumulates in the tunica vaginalis, which can act as a lubricant for testicular activity. If the amount of fluid in the congenital tunica vaginalis is abnormally increased or the closure of the sheath process is abnormal, resulting in the accumulation of fluid in the capsule, it will form hydrops. In addition, when the closure of the sheath process is normal, the amount of fluid in the tunica vaginalis increases due to acquired factors such as testis and epididymis infection, tumor, filariasis or trauma, and hydrocele may also occur.

Hydrocele is a common disease in men. At the 8th to 9th month of gestation, the testis descends from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum. When the testis descends into the scrotum, the passage from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum will be closed. If it is not closed, it is also called peritoneum sheath closure insufficiency in medicine. The result is that the peritoneal fluid flows to the scrotum when the abdominal pressure increases, forming a congenital patent hydrocele. If the spermatic cord is closed at both ends of the abdomen and testis, a congenital hydrocele of the spermatic cord is formed. Testicular hydrocele can also be caused by infection of testis and epididymis, trauma, tumor, filariasis and other diseases.

Symptoms of hydrocele of spermatic cord:

1、 TCM diagnosed the hydrocele of spermatic cord as water hernia, and believed that the hydrocele of spermatic cord was caused by insufficiency of kidney qi, deficiency of kidney yang, inability of water to vaporize, or deficiency of spleen qi, deficiency of spleen yang and cold, lack of energy in transportation, retention of water and moisture, or improper diet, endogenous damp heat, injection of kidney, or trauma of kidney, blood stasis blocking the waterway.

2、 The testis with hydrocele of spermatic cord will be oblong or round, located from the upper part of the testis to the inner ring of the groin, like two testes, and can be moved by pulling the testes. The communicating hydrocele is pear shaped, with the pear handle facing the groin, but it is connected with the abdominal cavity and can be compressed, and can disappear when lying on the back. The testis is small and soft after atrophy. Some patients have neurasthenic symptoms such as mood fluctuation, irritability and insomnia.

3、 The obvious symptom of hydrocele of spermatic cord is scrotal cystic mass with smooth surface, soft and fluctuating, and no tenderness. The scrotal skin is more normal, and there may be scrotal edema and tenderness when there is inflammation. When the pressure inside the capsule is large, the tension is large and elastic. When the cyst wall is thickened and calcified, the texture may be uneven, with nodular feeling or twirling sound. The huge hydrocele causes the penis to fall into the scrotal skin, which can make it difficult to urinate later. The urine can soak into the scrotal skin and cause erosion. Except for traffic hydrocele, the masses cannot be returned and do not change with body position. The location and shape of the mass vary with the type of hydrocele. Most of the hydrocele masses in the tunica vaginalis are round and hard to reach the testis.

Happy bamboo 2024-06-24 11:41:02

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