What are the effects of litchi

Old boy Ask questions on 2024-05-14 01:38:29
Recommended answer

Nourishing blood and spleen, promoting qi and detumescence. Efficacy of litchi: 1. It can nourish the blood and spleen, because from the perspective of Chinese medicine dietotherapy, litchi enters the spleen channel, which is sweet, sour, and warm in nature. For people with body deficiency, fluid injury, thirst, spleen deficiency diarrhea, hiccups, and indigestion, proper consumption of litchi has a good effect of nourishing yin, blood, and spleen. 2. It can promote qi circulation and detumescence. For the swelling caused by traumatic injuries, eat lychee properly, and have good qi circulation and blood circulation to obviously eliminate the swelling.

Old boy 2024-05-20 11:58:49

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