How to make stewed soup and stewed vegetables?

People's hearts are good Ask questions on 2024-06-06 21:59:32
Recommended answer

As we all know, when we are busy and have no time to cook, the market can make do with some dishes; It tastes good, convenient and fast. The only thing I worry about is the cleanliness of the braised vegetables. Today, I want to share with you how to make stewed soup for stewed dishes.

Operation method

First of all, prepare all kinds of auxiliary materials for bittern soup. Xiangye, orange peel, cinnamon, anise, Chinese prickly ash, hawthorn, etc. The specific gravity of each material is almost the same, just fill a small bowl.

Then, put half of the water into a pressure cooker, put all the auxiliary materials into it, add a bowl of braised soy sauce, and boil a small cup of soy sauce to complete the production of bittern soup. If you want to taste, you can go to another home or a braised vegetable stall and ask for a bowl of old soup to add (the soup that has been returned to the brine for many times).

Then prepare the main ingredients of pickled vegetables, and clean the chicken gizzards, pork and other ingredients with water.

After the bittern soup is completely cooled, put all the main ingredients into the pot, cover the pot, slowly boil it on medium low fire for about 15 minutes, turn off the fire, and remove the cover to cool down.

When the temperature in the pressure cooker drops to 0 ℃ again, add more than half a spoon (proper amount) of salt, close the lid of the cooker, and cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes.

Complete the above two steps to complete the production of pickled vegetables, and cut as many slices as you eat each meal. If you can't finish eating, you can put it in a pot and store it in a cool place for 3-5 days. If you eat it quickly, you can reuse the bittern soup to re braise the dishes, the better the taste.

People's hearts are good 2024-06-07 09:55:25

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