What are the symptoms of early gastric cancer

germination Ask questions on 2024-05-13 20:29:17
Recommended answer

Most patients with early gastric cancer have no obvious symptoms, and a few can have nausea, vomiting or upper gastrointestinal symptoms similar to ulcers, which is difficult to attract enough attention. With the growth of the tumor, the corresponding symptoms gradually increased and aggravated. Pain and weight loss are the most common clinical manifestations of advanced gastric cancer. Patients often have clear upper gastrointestinal symptoms, such as upper stomach discomfort, fullness after eating. With the progress of the disease, upper stomach pain gradually worsens, appetite decreases, and fatigue. At the same time, depending on the location of the tumor, there are also special manifestations, such as cardiac tumors can cause pain behind the sternum and progressive dysphagia; Gastric cancer near pylorus may have pyloric obstruction; If the tumor destroys the blood vessels, there may also be hematemesis, melena and other gastrointestinal bleeding. If the patient is diagnosed with gastric cancer, it is recommended that the patient should go to the oncology department of the local hospital for medical treatment and consultation in a timely manner.

germination 2024-05-20 11:19:04

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