What medicine should I take for vaginitis

Still love you Ask questions on 2024-05-25 00:34:00
Recommended answer

The treatment of vaginitis is related to the type of vaginitis. If women find abnormal leucorrhea, they'd better go to the doctor in time for routine examination of leucorrhea to determine the type of vaginitis, and then take targeted antibiotics for symptomatic treatment under the advice of the doctor. Do not use drugs indiscriminately to avoid aggravating the condition or delaying treatment, so that inflammation retrogradely expands the infection. Generally, vaginitis is divided into mycotic vaginitis, bacterial vaginitis, trichomonal vaginitis, etc. The drugs used for the treatment of each kind of vaginitis are different. It needs to be treated with oral or topical drugs in combination with other symptoms of the patient. During the treatment, attention should be paid to the hygiene of the perineum, and it is forbidden to sleep in the same room. If necessary, couples should be treated together.

Still love you 2024-05-27 10:57:38

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