What is the cause of male right back pain

Rain Run Static Load Ask on April 21, 2024 01:08:14
Recommended answer

The causes of male right back pain can be divided into pathological and physiological ones. Physiological means that the patient has been engaged in a lot of physical labor for a long time, or has been in a wrong standing position for a long time, which leads to lumbar muscle strain and pain. This situation does not require special treatment, only needs to give the patient proper rest, and the pain symptoms will be relieved. If the pain is serious, Can give acupuncture, massage and other symptomatic treatment. Pathology mainly refers to patients suffering from certain diseases, which may cause pain, such as acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis and other diseases. These diseases may also cause waist pain. If the patient has low back pain accompanied by urinary tract symptoms, such as frequent urination, urgency and pain, it may be urinary tract infection or stones. Therefore, the causes of low back pain are very complex, so it is necessary to inquire about the medical history in detail and make differential diagnosis one by one.

Rain Run Static Load 2024-04-22 11:38:18

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