What's wrong with a pimple beside the vagina

Warm and waiting, still beautiful Ask on 2024-05-19 02:23:38
Recommended answer

If there is a pimple beside the vagina, it is often caused by the following reasons clinically. First, if the pimple itself has local redness and swelling, there is obvious pain when you touch it with your hands. It is often caused by acute inflammation of the vulva. It can be cleaned and treated with local application of Baiduobang or erythromycin ointment. Second, if there is a pimple beside the vagina, the appearance is grayish white, and like cauliflower, it is often genital condyloma acuminatum, accompanied by genital itching and vaginal secretions increase. In clinic, there is often a high-risk sexual life history or multiple sexual partners, which can be treated by laser or surgery.

Warm and waiting, still beautiful 2024-05-20 11:18:46

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