Why do you have acne in your neck

Half way guest dream Ask questions on 2024-05-16 18:13:13
Recommended answer

The reasons for acne in the neck are as follows: First, if the local endocrine is strong, promoting the keratinization of the hair follicle, leading to the blockage of the pores of the hair follicle sebaceous glands, acne will occur; Second, if you usually have too much mental pressure, stay up late for a long time, irregular work and rest time will cause endocrine disorders, which will lead to acne; Third, if you sweat a lot at ordinary times, it is easy to breed bacteria when your clothes are stuck on your neck, and if you do not clean them in time, the head of the bureau will get acne. It is suggested that treatment should be carried out under the guidance of doctors according to the actual situation. At ordinary times, keep local hygiene, clean and dry, relax, and maintain good living habits.

Half way guest dream 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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