What causes acne on the face

Mature physical and mental exhaustion Ask questions on 2024-05-13 08:48:52
Recommended answer

Acne on the face is caused by the following reasons: 1. It is related to local scratching stimulation, the use of irritating drugs or cosmetics, as well as hot water, salt water scalding and other factors. 2. It is related to the impairment of local hair follicle sebaceous gland function and the abnormality of local androgen metabolism. 3. It has something to do with staying up late, being tired and living irregularly. 4. It is related to diet, such as eating fat meat, sweet food, raw and cold food that is difficult to digest, and stimulating food. It should be pointed out that acne is a skin type that is more serious and easy to recur. We must do a good job in all aspects of protection, and choose oral medicine, external medicine and local treatment in a standardized way. Standardized treatment generally has good therapeutic effect.

Mature physical and mental exhaustion 2024-05-20 12:00:31

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