The reasons and solutions for girls' hair loss are suggested to give up the following seven bad habits

The age of licentiousness is over Ask questions on June 12, 2024-14:05:57
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The charm of women starts from the beginning. It is said that many men are attracted by the action of women gently lifting their hair. Face can be made up, decorated or even processed. Hair represents a person's health and charm, and is the most original and true beauty.

If you don't want to hide your ugliness with a hat or show off with a wig all day long, you should protect your original beautiful hair. It is suggested to start by giving up the following seven bad habits:

First Ring: Tie your hair every day

Although hair binding can make you appear energetic and seems to have the effect of reducing age, in fact, research has found that the hair volume of stewardesses is reduced faster than that of ordinary women because of long-term hair binding. At ordinary times, let the hair fall naturally, try to avoid binding the hair, and try to use thicker rubber bands with cloth covering, which can effectively reduce the damage to the hair.

Second commandment: keep combing your hair to massage your scalp

Many people think that combing hair can have the effect of pressing the scalp. In fact, it is a big mistake. Combing hair is pulling the hair, not helping to massage the scalp. To massage the scalp, gently massage the scalp with the finger pulp. Pay attention not to use too much force. Although it doesn't hurt as much as combing your hair desperately, it will also hurt your scalp if you use too much force.

Third Caution: Too fond of desserts

Eating more sweets will stimulate the scalp, resulting in more oil secretion, and oil is easy to block hair follicles, affecting the healthy growth of hair. If you have sparse hair, you'd better bear with your mouth and eat less desserts.

Fourth commandment: wash your hair when it is too hot or too cold

There is a saying that it is right to avoid washing your hair with hot water, but it should also be noted that it is not suitable to wash your hair with too cold water, which will cause unnecessary irritation to the scalp. The best shampoo temperature is about 36 degrees, which is not too hot, that is, the temperature closest to the body temperature.

Fifth commandment: add shampoo before your hair is completely wet

This is likely to happen to women with long hair. If the hair is not completely wet, pour the shampoo directly on the scalp surface, and rub the foam directly on the scalp. These actions will make the hair suffer unnecessary pulling. Over time, they will also cause great damage to the hair.

The sixth commandment: expose your hair too long when the air is poor

The air is getting worse now, which will cause irreversible damage not only to the skin but also to the hair. If the air pollution index is particularly high, it is recommended to wear a hat to go out to protect the scalp from air pollution.

Seventh commandment: take hair loss too lightly

You may think that your hair is thick enough, and even joke with your friends, "I want to have less hair." This idea is totally wrong. Sometimes when the mood changes and the hormone changes, hair loss is easy to occur. You should know that once the hair falls, it will take a lot of effort to keep it back. Usually, pay more attention to your physical and mental health, and pay more attention to your hair health, which will also help your overall health!

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The age of licentiousness is over 2024-06-13 10:00:23

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