Why women have no sexual desire

All life is a dream Ask questions at 08:59:31, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

If women have no sexual desire, or even lack sexual desire completely, the possible reasons are as follows: First, abnormal sex hormone secretion, especially the decrease of androgen secretion and abnormal increase of estrogen secretion, may lead to female sexual desire loss. In addition, some other endocrine diseases may also lead to decreased libido, such as hypothyroidism, which may also lead to decreased libido. So if there is a decline in libido, it is best to come to the hospital for examination. If you want to check the sex hormone, it is best to take a blood sample on an empty stomach to check the six sex hormones from the second to the fourth day of menstruation, and also check the thyroid function. Second, the reason for the decline of sexual desire may also be that the sexual life is not harmonious or the relationship with the spouse is not very good, and there is an emotional crisis, and some sexual life is not harmonious, resulting in the loss of sexual desire. For example, some men are too rude when they are in the same room, which may also cause damage to women's vagina or vulva, so that women will have some feelings of disgust or rejection of sexual life, or the relationship between the two is not good, which may lead to more antipathy to this person, which will reduce sexual desire. So when this happens, first of all, we should do more communication to improve the family atmosphere, so that the relationship between husband and wife should be improved first, so that sexual life can be better. Third, perhaps in the process of sexual life, some people have some traumatic experiences, such as pain during sexual intercourse, or abdominal pain and cramps due to sexual intercourse, which will make women have a fear of sexual life, so it will lead to apathy. If it is not for the above reasons, you should also do some further tests to see what causes the decline of sexual desire. In addition, some women will also have lower sexual desire due to more work, family, life, and tiredness, so you can adjust your state properly at this time, which may improve sexual desire.

All life is a dream 2024-06-03 12:09:17

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