What is the cause of pain on the right side of the brain

spring, summer, autumn and winter Ask questions at 19:10:11, June 1, 2024
Recommended answer

The first reason may be caused by migraine. Most patients with migraine show unilateral pulsatile headache. When headache attacks, there will be a feeling of obvious beating of one side of the blood vessel. There may be nausea, vomiting, photophobia, fear of sound and other clinical manifestations. The degree of pain is usually severe, ranging from moderate to severe pain, and has a certain correlation with vascular dysfunction. In addition, some people can also induce migraine attacks after drinking or taking vasodilator drugs. They can take some pain relievers to treat the symptoms. The second reason is that we should pay attention to temporal arteritis. Patients with temporal arteritis will also have severe pain on the side of the head, so we can test ESR as an indicator. The third reason is that we should pay attention to cervicogenic headache, which can also be manifested as pain in the side of the head, and the pain will be aggravated by head activities.

spring, summer, autumn and winter 2024-06-03 12:19:48

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