What's the matter of nipple pain after ovulation

Wake up Ask questions on May 29, 2024-18:16:39
Recommended answer

After ovulation, the nipple always aches, which may be caused by the disease of the breast itself. For example, the nipple is rubbed by chemical fiber underwear, and the skin rash or eczema of the nipple and breast. In addition, mastitis, breast fibroma, breast hyperplasia, breast nodules, breast cancer, etc. can cause nipple pain. It is recommended to go to the breast department to find out the specific cause. In addition, after ovulation, the level of progesterone in the body will increase, and progesterone may stimulate the breast and cause breast pain. Some women with premenstrual syndrome may have breast pain before menstruation. However, the nipple has been aching, and the specific reason still needs to go to the breast department for a definite diagnosis.

Wake up 2024-06-03 12:18:32

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