What's the cause of itching on my body recently

Lonely Traveler Ask questions on 2024-06-01 20:58:38
Recommended answer

The itching on the body at night recently can be attributed to the following reasons: 1. The itching occurs when the bed clothes are touched at night, and the pimples of different sizes and irregular shapes will appear on the skin when the skin is scratched, which can disappear in a short time, but will appear again the next day. Considering that it is urticaria, which is caused by allergy, you can change the bed clothes to pure cotton materials to see if there is any improvement. 2. The skin itching has fixed parts, mainly in the armpit, leg root, under the breast and other soft tissue parts, and there are many small holes in the middle of the red lumps can be seen in the finger seam. Considering scabies are caused by scabies mite infection, you can use sulfur soap to clean the whole body, apply sulfur cream to the whole body, regularly scald the bedding and personal clothes with boiling water Use articles for daily use separately from others to prevent cross infection. 3. People with dry skin will have a lot of white skin in autumn and winter. When they take off their clothes, they will irritate the skin, resulting in itching. After each bath, they will apply glycerin or body lotion all over the body to keep the skin moist, which can improve the symptoms.

Lonely Traveler 2024-06-03 11:57:57

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