Efficacy and function of metronidazole ointment

Green water Ask questions at 12:32:47, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

The main function of metronidazole ointment is to fight against anaerobic bacteria and kill anaerobic bacteria, such as facial hair follicle demodex and vaginal trichomonas, which can have a good therapeutic effect. Clinically, it is mainly used to treat rosacea, acne, scabies, and can also be used to assist in the treatment of vaginal trichomonas infection, vulvitis, etc. Metronidazole gel can also be used in combination with fusidic acid cream and clindamycin gel to treat acne. Metronidazole gel has a good effect in the treatment of rosacea, and can be used optionally. Metronidazole is generally used twice a day externally on the affected area. Some people may have some irritation after using it. At first, try it on a small area, and then use it on a larger area after adaptation.

Green water 2024-06-03 12:10:47

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