What to eat to treat renal cyst

Plantain in the Rain Ask questions on 2024-05-22 00:36:49
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Kidney cysts cannot be treated with food or drugs. Food or medicine can not reduce the size of the cyst, or eliminate the cyst. When the volume of renal cyst is small, there is generally no need for special treatment, because it will not cause any clinical discomfort to the patient, nor will it affect the kidney or other tissues, so there is no need to worry too much, but it needs regular re examination, such as re examination of B-ultrasound every six months to see the changes in the volume of the cyst. Generally, renal cysts develop slowly, If the cyst grows in a short time, it is necessary to rule out the possibility of canceration. When the cyst volume is relatively large, or the surrounding tissue has compression symptoms, it can be treated by renal cyst puncture and intracapsular injection of sclerosing agent.

Plantain in the Rain 2024-05-27 11:08:31

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