How to deal with the perianal redness and swelling of the baby girl

An old heart is never old Ask questions at 07:08:07, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Parents should clean the baby's anus immediately after the baby has perianal redness and swelling. Because the baby does not have the ability to clean the anus itself, and uncontrollable excretion will also bring great bacteria accumulation around the anus, so the baby often has perianal redness and swelling when he is young. When the head of the family finds that the female baby has perianal redness and swelling, he should immediately clean the baby's perianal with water, and at the same time, he should also carry out local cleaning of the vulva. And parents need to take their children to the hospital for a perianal examination to determine whether it is inflammation or the redness, swelling, heat and pain caused by diseases.

An old heart is never old 2024-04-22 11:38:44

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