The Legend of Zelda The Temple of Sibe Nias Introduction to Gemini Memory

It's worth living Ask on 2024-06-06 21:54:57
Recommended answer

In the Legend of Zelda, there are two memory temples of Gemini, and the temple above the Gemini Mountain is the temple of Sibe Nias. The following is a video solution introduction of the Temple of Sibe Nias (the memory of Gemini) in the Legend of Zelda, hoping to help you.

Operation method

First, find the location of the temple of Hibe Nias on the map and enter

When entering the temple, a platform will fall and rise from the side platform, and then glide to the next platform with a treasure chest

Open the treasure chest to obtain the winding gun

The mechanism unlocking method is to exchange the position of the ball with that of the temple on the next mountain top. The order from the door to the outside is 42531

The gate can be opened after being placed in order

Then climb up the wooden ladder to the designated place, which is regarded as customs clearance

Next is the passing animation, reminding you that you have passed the test

It's worth living 2024-06-07 10:01:29

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