What anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken to relieve sprain and swelling

Untroubled ronin Ask questions at 18:51:25 on May 24, 2024
Recommended answer

Antibiotic anti-inflammatory drugs are generally not needed after sprain. If the local pain is severe, you can take some non steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, such as celecoxib, irecoxib, lornoxicam, etc. It is recommended to take a rest immediately after sprain, and do not continue to carry out relevant strenuous exercise. Yunnan Baiyao spray can be used locally to relieve swelling and pain. Cold compress can be used locally within one day, and hot compress can be used after one day. It can also be treated with oral Chinese medicine or Chinese patent medicine, such as Taohong Siwu Decoction, Dahuoluo Capsule, etc, After the local swelling and pain slowly improve, you can slowly carry out muscle relaxation and contraction function exercise to prevent muscle atrophy caused by long-term inactivity after injury, and you can try to slowly carry out functional exercise until you return to normal exercise.

Untroubled ronin 2024-05-27 10:48:51

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