How to deal with diarrhea in a three-year-old child

Be diligent and honest Ask questions at 00:16:07, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

Three year old children with diarrhea can be treated with hot compress, massage, or children spleen strengthening powder, montmorillonite powder, cephalosporin antibiotics. Children's diarrhea is mostly caused by factors such as indigestion or abdominal coldness. At this time, parents can properly apply hot compress and massage to the abdomen. Hot compress and massage can promote blood circulation in the abdomen, help digestion of food in the digestive system, improve intestinal function and alleviate symptoms. Some children's diarrhea is caused by disharmony between the spleen and stomach, which needs to be treated with Xiaoer Jianpi Powder. Xiaoer Jianpi Powder has the function of strengthening the spleen and stomach, improving the function of the spleen and stomach, enhancing the absorption of nutrients by the intestinal system, and alleviating diarrhea. Montmorillonite powder belongs to antidiarrheal drugs, which can absorb harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract and maintain the balance of intestinal microorganisms. It will not enter the circulatory system and will not affect the physical development of children. Some children's diarrhea is caused by bacterial infection, and they need to be treated with antibiotics, such as cephalosporins. However, cephalosporins should be used under the guidance of doctors and should not be used in large doses for a long time.

Be diligent and honest 2024-04-22 11:37:47

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