What medicine does menstruation amount little and black take?

I said to myself that the book of half a city Ask questions on 2024-05-26 16:04:21
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for the low amount of menstruation, such as endocrine disorder, gynecological inflammation, endometritis, excessive mental stress, anemia, etc. The dark amount of menstruation is due to qi deficiency and blood stasis or blood deficiency. You should go to the hospital in time to check the six hormones and color Doppler ultrasound to determine the cause of the disease. You can also take TCM syndrome differentiation and recuperation. At ordinary times, you can eat more blood tonifying food, such as liver, Lean meat, black fungus, etc.

I said to myself that the book of half a city 2024-05-27 11:09:16

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