Painful symptoms of urinary calculi

I want to shine Ask on 2024-05-13 07:21:01
Recommended answer

Urinary stones often cause painful symptoms. Kidney stones often cause low back pain, generally dull pain in the waist, and the pain will worsen after activities. If ureteral calculi cause acute obstruction, it will often be manifested as renal colic. The pain is severe. The patients often toss and turn in pain, unbearable, sweating, nausea and vomiting. Bladder stones often cause pain after urination, which is caused by stones stimulating the mucosa at the bottom of the bladder. In addition, urinary interruption will occur when bladder stones block the urethral orifice, accompanied by obvious pain. Pain can radiate to the penis head and perineum. Urethral calculus can also cause pain, which is characterized by sharp pain in the urethra. The pain will be significantly increased when pressing with hands, and is often accompanied by dysuria.

I want to shine 2024-05-20 12:00:28

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