What are the benefits of eating loofah

Quiet as lotus Ask questions on 2024-05-16 13:22:58
Recommended answer

First, it can be used for beauty. Luffa contains a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to human body, which is very good for human skin and can play a good role in beauty. The mucus, polysaccharide and vitamins contained in the loofah can also promote skin metabolism, reduce the generation of wrinkles and delay skin aging; Second, it can clear away heat and eliminate fire. Luffa is a cold dish. Eating Luffa can clear away heat and detoxify, promote the discharge of internal heat, prevent various symptoms of catching fire, and also improve constipation and short urine; Third, to prevent women's dysmenorrhea, boil and drink the towel gourd after drying. When boiling, do not put white sugar or rock sugar, and add some brown sugar, which can effectively alleviate women's dysmenorrhea.

Quiet as lotus 2024-05-20 11:18:18

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