How to deal with gastric bleeding in patients with liver cancer

Old trees blossom Ask on April 24, 2024 at 03:15:25
Recommended answer

Patients with liver cancer and gastric bleeding need appropriate treatment according to the severity of the disease. In case of stomach bleeding, if the amount of bleeding is relatively small, drug conservative treatment can be carried out. When gastric bleeding occurs in patients with liver cancer, if the amount of bleeding is large, minimally invasive hemostasis treatment can be carried out under gastroscope, or local compression treatment can be carried out with three cavity two capsule tube, or gastric artery embolization can be carried out under the condition of re intervention. In addition, proper treatment should be carried out for the primary liver cancer. If the disease is in advanced stage and is not suitable for surgery, traditional Chinese medicine treatment and biological targeted treatment can be considered. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to the regulation of diet and life, quit smoking and drinking, and live regularly.

Old trees blossom 2024-04-28 18:13:54

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