What's wrong with swallowing earache

Plain and light Ask questions on April 19, 2024:11:40
Recommended answer

Ear pain during swallowing is mostly seen in ear inflammatory lesions, such as acute otitis externa, furuncle of the external auditory canal, bullous tympanitis, secretory otitis media, suppurative otitis media. Earache or swallowing earache are easily caused by the inflammatory stimulation of the external auditory canal and tympanic membrane. In case of acute pharyngolaryngitis and acute tonsillitis, it can also cause ear pain when swallowing, which is referred pain caused by the spread of inflammation. External ear canal foreign body or trauma can also cause earache. Tumors of the external auditory canal, cerumen of the external auditory canal, and malignant tumors of the middle ear can also cause pain when swallowing or chewing. In case of sinusitis, blowing your nose forcefully can also cause earache. When swallowing, it is recommended to seek medical advice to improve otoscope, rhinoscope or relevant examinations to find the cause of earache, so as to avoid delay in treatment.

Plain and light 2024-04-22 11:41:48

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