Where is sweet and sour sweet and sour pork? Practice of Sweet and Sour Sweet and Sour Pork with Pineapple

I always believe Ask on 2024-06-03 22:29:47
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Sweet and sour pork:

1. Prepare 300g lean pork, 90g pineapple, 30g yellow pepper, 50g red pepper, 50g green pepper, eggs, some flour, 1/2 teaspoon cooking wine, 1/4 teaspoon white pepper, some salt, two spoons oil, tomato sauce, 80g white sugar, and water

2. Cut the pork into large dices. It is recommended to choose foreleg meat or sirloin meat, so that the taste will be more fresh and tender. After processing the colored pepper and pineapple, cut them into blocks of similar size

3. Put the cut meat into a bowl, pour cooking wine, salt, sprinkle some white pepper, mix well and marinate for a quarter of an hour. Then knock the fried eggs into the bowl and mix them evenly. Slowly pour the meat dumplings into the bowl and mix them evenly, usually with half an egg

4. Put the meat into the flour to fully wrap it, and then deep fry it in the oil pan. Note that when frying, wait until the oil is 80% hot, then quickly put the meat into the pan, so that the surface of the meat can be tightened. Put all the meat pieces wrapped with flour into the oil pan and turn to medium heat

5. Fry it for a few more minutes and then take it out. When the oil temperature is 80% hot, put the meat into the frying pan again. Turn on the heat and put in tomato sauce, sugar, water and no oil

6. Keep stirring with a spatula in the pot during the period, so that water, tomato sauce and sugar can be completely integrated, and water can evaporate and juice can be collected until thick

7. Pour in the fried meat, and continue to stir until the meat is completely covered with sauce. Then you can immediately pour in pineapple and colored pepper, and continue to stir evenly. The beautiful sweet and sour mutton will be ready, colorful, sour and appetizing.

Sweet and sour pork:

1. Prepare 300g pork with five flowers, 30g pineapple, 100g fresh bamboo shoots, a little red pepper, 100g potatoes, 1 egg, 25g vinegar, scallions, garlic puree, 1.5g refined salt, 25g starch, 1000g edible oil, 70g sugar, 10g cooking wine, a little soy sauce, an appropriate amount of auspicious soil powder, onions, and garlic.

2. Cut the tenderloin into rhomboids, add salt, add cooking wine, mix well, marinate and taste, then add egg liquid, add starch, fully wrap and wait for use

3. Pour the oil into a pot and heat it to 60%. Put the marinated and wrapped tenderloin and fry it until half cooked. Then pour in a colander to control the dry oil. Then add garlic and pepper to stir fry until fragrant

4. Add scallions and tomato paste, then add meat slices and bamboo shoots, stir well, thicken, dish up and serve.

I always believe 2024-06-07 10:05:15

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