Does gout cause pain in the knee joint

I want to move forward Ask questions at 17:59:19, June 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Gout can cause pain in the knee joint if it affects the knee joint. Gout is mainly caused by the abnormal metabolism of purine in the body, which leads to the increase of blood uric acid. If the blood uric acid exceeds a certain concentration, urate crystals can be formed. When urate crystals, along with the movement of blood, they are deposited in the joints, causing gout to appear as redness, swelling, heat and pain of the joints. When urate crystals are deposited on the knee joint, it can trigger local inflammatory reaction of the knee joint, resulting in clinical manifestations of redness, swelling, heat and pain of the knee joint. Its treatment is mainly through anti-inflammatory and pain relief. The drugs that can be selected are colchicine, non steroidal anti-inflammatory and pain relief drugs, and glucocorticoid.

I want to move forward 2024-06-03 11:56:43

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