What are the herbs for treating kidney yang deficiency

My heart is lonely Ask questions on May 27, 2024-18:34:54
Recommended answer

Traditional Chinese medicine for kidney yang deficiency includes Yougui Pill, Guifu Dihuang Pill, Jinkui Shenqi Pill, etc. There are many kinds of drugs, but because everyone's physical condition is different, there are certain differences in the use of drugs. If the disease is serious, it may be treated together with other drugs, so that the effect will be better. During the treatment period, we should ensure adequate sleep time, moderate sexual life, not stay up late for a long time, and adjust our personal attitude. You can properly strengthen exercise to strengthen your physique. In terms of diet, you can eat foods with kidney tonifying properties to assist in conditioning, including mutton, sea cucumber, laver, leek, black rice, black beans, black sesame, etc.

My heart is lonely 2024-06-03 12:05:04

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