What is the symptom of thyroid disease

One step away Ask questions on June 1, 2024-16:01:40
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Thyroid has diseases. The most important clinical symptoms are thyroid diseases: for example, hyperthyroidism, high metabolism symptoms, such as fear of heat, sweating, emaciation, panic, and shaking hands. If it is hypothyroidism, it will cause fear of cold, fatigue, anorexia, edema, constipation, and in serious cases, it will lead to myxedema coma. If it is a simple goiter, and the thyroid function is normal, there will be neck swelling. If it is more than 3 degrees of swelling, there will be a feeling of neck tightness and compression, dyspnea, and foreign bodies. If it is acute thyroiditis, there will be obvious pain in the anterior cervical region.

One step away 2024-06-03 12:17:14

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