How to treat condyloma acuminatum

You were a teenager Ask questions on April 17, 2024:39:20
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Condyloma acuminatum is a sexually transmitted disease caused by human papillomavirus infection, which mainly occurs in male and female genitals and around the anus. Clinically, it is manifested as a papule the size of a grain of rice to a peanut, with rough surface and papilloma like or cauliflower like hyperplasia. Because this disease is related to tumors, it must be treated in time. The treatment mainly adopts the following methods: First, carbon dioxide laser treatment is the preferred treatment method, and carbon dioxide laser is used to burn all warts; 2、 For external drug treatment, fluorouracil ointment, imiquimod ointment, interferon ointment, etc. can be used externally; 3、 For internal drug treatment, because the disease is prone to relapse after treatment, antiviral and immune enhancing drugs can be used, such as transfer factor capsules, interferon injection, thymosin, interleukin-2, etc.

You were a teenager 2024-04-22 11:35:26

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