What are the folk methods of aphrodisiac?

Fate is doomed Ask questions on 2024-06-23 00:02:57
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Nowadays, many men have some physical conditions due to excessive life pressure or various physical factors, which not only affect their daily life, but also lead to insomnia, night sweats, qi deficiency and body heat, which are very harmful and need timely treatment, otherwise it will affect men's living standards, affect men's sexual function, and affect family harmony, Let's introduce some folk aphrodisiac remedies today.

Alternating hot and cold water bath to improve male sexual function. Use alternating hot and cold water bath. As the name implies, first soak the body in the bathtub with hot water, then warm the body sufficiently, and then add cold water to the penis. After about 3 minutes, the penis and scrotum contract, and then enter the bathtub. Repeat this for 3-5 times every day, the persistent sexual function will be enhanced, the energy will be more abundant, and fatigue will be reduced.

The testis, which produces sperm and testosterone, needs a slightly lower temperature than the body temperature during operation. Therefore, if the quilt covers the scrotum and does not dissipate heat well, the function of the testis will be affected. We can expose the scrotum to cool air for sleep to solve this problem. The "air cooling" exercise method has an excellent effect on young men, promoting the production of sperm and the increase of androgen, and improving their lives.

Massage the scrotum by gently rubbing the testicles from the upper part of the scrotum with your fingers for 2-3 minutes each time, once a day, without too long. This method can improve the blood circulation of testis and improve male sexual function.

Reasonable exercise can not only maintain a healthy physique, but also improve life. Exercise 2-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes each time with aerobic exercise, which can greatly improve the quality of life and fun, reduce the incidence of yang, improve sexual desire, and achieve the effect of aphrodisiac.

Male friends can usually choose some aphrodisiac prescriptions according to their own conditions, but sometimes it may be caused by some diseases of the body. The more common is some male diseases, such as preadenotitis, urethritis, orchitis, etc. They should pay attention to rest at ordinary times, and more physical exercise can also help.

Fate is doomed 2024-06-24 11:38:32

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