How to deal with swelling after phimosis operation

Nowhere to find in the snow Ask on April 17, 2024 01:03:44
Recommended answer

The incidence of swelling after phimosis surgery is very high. First of all, swelling will occur after phimosis surgery because of reactive edema; It may be because inflammation after phimosis surgery will also appear swelling; It may also be that after the operation, there is no bed rest, and the patient is standing for a long time, the water flows to the lower part, resulting in swelling of the glans penis; It may also be that the wound is not effectively pressurized and bandaged, resulting in swelling. It is recommended that after phimosis surgery, it is best to stay in bed for 1 to 2 days, and the wound should be effectively, evenly and pressurized bandaged to avoid edema. After the operation, broad-spectrum antibiotics should be taken orally, and the wound should be changed every day.

Nowhere to find in the snow 2024-04-22 12:15:10

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