What's the matter with a foreign body in your throat

Quiet before dawn Ask questions on 2024-04-16 07:19:04
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for foreign body sensation in the throat. The more common ones are chronic pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, and tonsillar stones. It may also be caused by laryngopharyngeal cyst and laryngopharyngeal papilloma. Some patients are caused by malignant tumors in the throat, such as throat cancer and hypopharyngeal cancer. Therefore, after the onset of the disease, we need to go to the ENT department for medical treatment. We can do a blood routine test to help judge whether there is inflammatory reaction. We also need to do an electronic laryngoscope or fiber laryngoscope examination, mainly to judge the pathological changes of the throat. A small number of patients also need to do neck CT examination. Through these auxiliary examinations, we can make a clear diagnosis combining with the clinical experience of doctors, Then targeted treatment.

Quiet before dawn 2024-04-22 11:34:52

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