What is the difference between hemorrhoids and anal fistula

Flowers in full bloom Ask questions on 2024-05-19 10:03:08
Recommended answer

In clinical practice, there are many differences between hemorrhoids and anal fistula. For example, first, the cause of hemorrhoids is not very clear, but the displacement of anal pad caused by various factors is considered. The perianal subcutaneous blood vessels occur in the area, and the cause of anal fistula is relatively clear. In most cases, it is considered that the perianal abscess breaks itself or the fistula is formed after the perianal abscess incision and drainage. Second, clinical symptoms. The clinical symptoms of hemorrhoids are mainly blood in the stool, mass in the anus falling out of the anus, dampness, itching, pain, etc. at the anus. The main clinical symptoms of anal fistula occur in the external mouth, intermittent swelling, pain, ulceration, and purulent. Third, for treatment, the first choice is non-surgical treatment for hemorrhoids. If there is no remission, then consider surgical treatment. For anal fistula, surgical treatment is the first choice. Sometimes, non-surgical treatment can also be chosen.

Flowers in full bloom 2024-05-20 12:00:45

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