What is the reason for men's wet scrotum

Once the love dead Ask questions on 2024-04-19 03:53:11
Recommended answer

The dampness of the male scrotum is generally caused by two reasons: the first reason is that the sweat glands in the male scrotum are relatively developed and located in the perineum. If you exercise more or wear thick clothes at ordinary times, the scrotum is easy to sweat. If you do not pay attention to cleaning, and if you do not replace your underwear in time, it is easy to keep the scrotum in a wet state; Another reason is that diseases of the urinary system, such as prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, varicocele and other diseases, are easy to cause the male scrotum moist; Usually, if the sex life is too frequent, it is also easy to appear that the male scrotum is wet if the hands and eyes are too heavy. If the male scrotum is in a humid state for a long time, it is particularly easy to breed fungi, cause folliculitis, and induce male scrotal eczema. It will have a great impact on male function. Therefore, the male scrotum must be avoided from being in a moist state for a long time.

Once the love dead 2024-04-22 11:38:41

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