What can men eat for deficiency of kidney yin

Middle age is like autumn Ask questions at 11:11:30 on June 22, 2024
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Many of our friends know that kidney deficiency is an easy problem for men. Why is this? The reason has a lot to do with men's eating habits, so men should pay attention to their daily diet and rest. Here are some common ingredients for tonifying the kidney and some diet treatments. Eating these foods regularly can keep male friends away from kidney yin deficiency.

What do men eat to nourish kidney yin deficiency

Chinese yam: It is mild in nature and sweet in taste. It is the "top grade" medicine of traditional Chinese medicine. In addition to its functions of tonifying the lung and spleen, it can also benefit the kidney and replenish essence. People with kidney deficiency should eat it regularly.

Scallops: also known as dried scallops. It is flat in nature, sweet and salty in taste, and can nourish the kidney and nourish yin, so people with kidney yin deficiency should eat it regularly.

Perch: also known as sea bass and perch. It is flat in nature and sweet in taste. It can not only nourish the spleen and stomach, but also the liver and kidney, and benefit muscles and bones.

Chestnut: warm in nature and sweet in taste. In addition to its function of tonifying the spleen and stomach, it can also strengthen the kidney and waist. It is most suitable for people with kidney deficiency and low back pain.

Lycium barbarum: mild in nature and sweet in taste, it has the functions of tonifying the kidney, nourishing the liver, improving eyesight, strengthening muscles and bones, eliminating low back pain, and prolonging life after taking it for a long time. Food is best.

Polygonum multiflorum: It has the function of tonifying the liver and kidney, enriching blood essence, and has been used by physicians in past dynasties for people with kidney deficiency. It is suitable for people with kidney deficiency who have early white hair, weak waist and knees, aching muscles and bones, or male spermatorrhea, or women who take it.

Garlic: Garlic has a strong bactericidal power, which can eliminate bacteria invading the body. Garlic can promote the absorption of vitamin B1, promote the metabolism of sugar to generate energy, and eliminate fatigue.

What to Eat to Tonify Kidney Yin Deficiency of Men

1. Sea cucumber porridge: 50g sea cucumber (chopped) in water, 100g japonica rice, cooked together into porridge, seasoned with a little onion and ginger salt. It has the function of tonifying the kidney and essence, nourishing yin and blood, and is applicable to the physical weakness caused by kidney deficiency and yin deficiency, waist and knee weakness, insomnia and night sweats.

2. Medlar pork loin porridge: 10g medlar, one pig kidney (intima removed, chopped), 100g japonica rice, a little onion and ginger salt, cooked together into porridge. The function of benefiting kidney yin, tonifying kidney yang, strengthening essence and strengthening waist is applicable to waist and spinal pain caused by kidney deficiency and fatigue, yin and yang deficiency, waist and knee weakness, leg weakness, dizziness and tinnitus, etc. This recipe is a classic recipe for kidney deficiency diet.

In addition, the majority of male friends, only by developing good habits, can they have a healthy body! The details of life are very important. The dietotherapy method is only used to nourish the kidney in daily life, which cannot completely cure the kidney deficiency; If the kidney deficiency is serious, Chinese medicine should be used to regulate the kidney deficiency. Eating more food has a great effect on the kidney

Middle age is like autumn 2024-06-24 11:40:13

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