What are the symptoms of functional uterine bleeding

Say goodbye to each other Ask questions on 2024-05-19 11:22:52
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The symptoms of functional uterine bleeding are different due to different causes. The main symptoms of functional uterine bleeding are: 1. Bleeding during ovulation: due to the low level of estrogen before ovulation, a small amount of vaginal bleeding can be seen during ovulation. 2. Premenstrual bleeding. A few days before menstruation, there was a small amount of vaginal bleeding, followed by normal menstruation. This type of bleeding was caused by incomplete luteal function and insufficient secretion of female progesterone. 3. Postmenstruation bleeding is characterized by prolonged duration of a small amount of bleeding from menstruation to the later period. This type of bleeding is caused by incomplete endometrial exfoliation due to the slow degeneration of corpus luteum and the continuous secretion of progesterone. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding belongs to abnormal uterine bleeding. It is necessary to know the actual condition through B-ultrasound and six items of sex hormones, and if necessary, curette to stop bleeding.

Say goodbye to each other 2024-05-20 11:53:32

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