How to treat mycoplasma prostatitis infection

Wind chasing fireworks rain Ask questions on 2024-06-22 16:06:05
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Proglanditis is caused by many factors, such as mycoplasma infection. Therefore, Proglanditis mycoplasma infection is very serious, which affects many functions of men, such as fertility, sexual function, etc. If you have sex with women, the pathogen will still be infected, and the damage will be aggravated. The early diagnosis of this disease is very difficult. Most patients have not found the disease in time, and the treatment will be complicated after the diagnosis of the disease. How to treat the disease?

1. General treatment health education, psychological and behavioral counseling have a positive effect. Patients should abstain from alcohol and spicy food; Avoid holding urine and sitting for a long time, keep warm and strengthen physical exercise.

2. The most commonly used drugs for drug treatment are antibiotics, α - receptor blockers, botanicals and non steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. Other drugs also have different effects on alleviating symptoms.

(1) Antibiotics: At present, antibiotics are the most commonly used first-line drugs in the clinical practice of pre treatment prostatitis, but only about 5% of patients with chronic pre treatment prostatitis have clear bacterial infection.

Type II: select antibiotics according to the results of bacterial culture and the ability of drugs to penetrate the anterior gonad. After the diagnosis of prostatitis, the course of antibiotic treatment is 4-6 weeks, during which the patients should be evaluated periodically. Intraglandular injection of antibiotics is not recommended.

Type IIIA: Antibiotic treatment is mostly empirical, and the theoretical basis is to speculate that some pathogens with negative conventional culture lead to this type of inflammation. Therefore, it is recommended to take antibiotics such as fluoroquinolone orally for 2 to 4 weeks, and then decide whether to continue the antibiotic treatment according to the efficacy feedback. It is recommended to continue to use antibiotics only when the clinical symptoms are really relieved. The recommended total course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.

Type IIIB: antibiotic treatment is not recommended.

(2) α - receptor blocker: α - receptor blocker can relax the smooth muscle of anterior gonad and bladder and improve the symptoms and pain of lower urinary tract, so it becomes the basic drug for the treatment of type II/III anterior gonaditis.

(3) Botanical preparations: The therapeutic effect of plant preparations in type II and type III preadenotitis is increasingly valued, and they are recommended therapeutic drugs. Plant preparations mainly refer to pollen preparations and plant extracts, which have a wide range of pharmacological effects, such as non-specific anti-inflammatory, anti edema, promoting bladder detrusor contraction and urethral smooth muscle relaxation. Recommended botanical preparations include: Praxitime, Sabah palm and its extract. Due to the large variety, its usage and dosage should be determined according to the specific condition of the patient, and the treatment course is usually monthly. The adverse reactions were small.

(4) Non steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs: Non steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are empirical drugs for the treatment of symptoms related to type III preadenotitis. Its main purpose is to relieve pain and discomfort.

(5) M-receptor blocker: For patients with prostatitis who have symptoms such as urgency of urination, frequency of urination and nocturia but no urinary tract obstruction, M-receptor blocker (such as tolterodine) can be used for treatment.

The treatment of former mycoplasma adenitis should be combined with the symptoms of the body and the severity of the disease. At present, there are many ways to treat the disease. Patients should follow the doctor's advice and not believe in superstition or folk prescription. During the treatment of diseases, effective nursing should be paid attention to. Nursing can start from diet, hygiene and psychology. At this time, patients should pay attention to the complications caused by the disease, and should be treated together to avoid more complicated conditions.

Wind chasing fireworks rain 2024-06-24 11:36:54

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