How to check the prostate detailed explanation

Middle aged old women and men's idols Ask questions on 2024-06-21 16:59:08
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The anterior gonad is known as the "gland" of man's life, and the gonad fluid is only one of the main components - the anterior gonad fluid is secreted by the anterior gonad. Therefore, it is very important to protect the health of the male anterior gonad. Male friends can go to the hospital regularly to have the anterior gonadal examination, so as to observe the health status of the anterior gonad at all times.

1: Anterior gonad examination method

1: Doctors wear gloves or finger cots, and apply vaseline or liquid paraffin to the fingertips.

2: Most patients take the knee chest position or lithotomy position. If the patient's condition is serious or weak, it can also take the side lying position.

3: When taking the knee chest position, the left hand should support the patient's left shoulder or hip, and the right hand should be used to gently massage at the door k first, so that the patient can adapt to avoid sudden tension of the sphincter of the door k. Then slowly insert the finger into the k-gate. When the finger tip enters the anterior wall of the rectum about 5cm from the k-gate, it can touch the anterior * gland. Pay attention to the shape and change of the anterior * gland.

4: When massaging the anterior gonad, massage the distal segment of the finger inward and forward slowly for about 4-5 times on each side, and then move the hand to the upper part of the gland and press it downward along the median sulcus, so that the anterior gonad fluid can be discharged from the urethra, and keep the specimen for examination.

2: Precautions

1: Massage should be carried out in a certain direction, not back and forth. Unreasonable methods often lead to inspection failure.

2: If a massage fails or the test is negative, it should be repeated every 3-5 days if there are clinical indications.

3: The indication of anterior gland massage should be clear. It is generally used for chronic anterior gland inflammation. If tuberculosis, abscess or tumor is suspected, massage is contraindicated.

4: When massaging, the force should be even and appropriate. If it is too light, the anterior gonadal fluid cannot be expelled. If it is too heavy, it will cause pain.

3: Anterior gonad examination for males

It is necessary, because only regular inspection can timely detect anterior prostatitis. When suffering from anterior prostatitis, not only will there be more serious sexual dysfunction, such as Yang *, Zao *, etc., but also the quality of vaginal fluids will be seriously reduced.

Middle aged old women and men's idols 2024-06-24 11:40:23

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