What's the problem of itchy feet and peeling

My future depends on me Ask questions on April 19, 2024 00:04:16
Recommended answer

Feet itching and desquamation are generally caused by foot eczema or skin rash of foot scaling. If it is caused by eczema, it is manifested as papules, papular herpes, sometimes exudation, itching and desquamation in the acute phase. This condition can be effectively treated by topical application of powerful hormone ointment. In addition, the skin rash of foot scaling is generally caused by fungal infection, which can be effectively treated with external antifungal ointment. At the same time, it is recommended that patients keep their feet clean and dry, and try to wear ventilated cotton shoes. There is no need to panic if there is itching and peeling on the feet. It is better to treat symptomatically according to the examination results.

My future depends on me 2024-04-22 11:48:40

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