What medicine to take for children with cough and fever

be fearless Ask on 2024-05-13 06:13:28
Recommended answer

Children with cough and fever can take some Banlangen granules or Xiaoer Chaigui granules. It can also be combined with some medicines such as Four Seasons Cold Tablets, antiviral particles, cough relieving and phlegm resolving particles. You can also use some children's cough syrup, Feili cough, Feining granule and other drugs. Pay attention to the child's urine, urine and temperature, and rule out pneumonia, tracheitis and other problems. If the treatment effect is not good and there are other complications, attention should be paid to active reexamination, reasonable treatment, compliance with medical advice, and reasonable use of drugs.

be fearless 2024-05-20 11:20:30

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