What is the cause of acne on the face

Clouds passing by Ask questions on 2024-05-18 20:41:21
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Acne on the face is also called acne, which is caused by the blockage of pores caused by excessive secretion of hormone levels, eating greasy food and stimulating food. It is also related to endocrine disorders. Clindamycin metronidazole liniment or fusidic acid cream or Baiduobang ointment can be applied for treatment. Apply Adabolin gel once at night. At the same time, take orally cephalosporin or azithromycin and metronidazole tablets. Medication should be taken according to the course of treatment under the guidance of the doctor. Do not squeeze at ordinary times to avoid infection and bleeding. Don't use cosmetics indiscriminately, eat light food, and eat more vegetables and fruits, such as bitter chrysanthemum and balsam pear. Drink more chrysanthemum tea. Don't eat garlic or hot pot with pepper. Drink more water to promote metabolism. Don't stay up late, drink or smoke.

Clouds passing by 2024-05-20 12:00:31

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