Why do you have pimples on your chest

Love yourself every second Ask questions on 2024-05-16 08:58:42
Recommended answer

Chest acne, this situation is mostly due to psychological factors. Therefore, we must pay attention to adjusting our mentality at ordinary times and do not put too much pressure on ourselves. In addition, if the fire is serious, it will also lead to the occurrence of chest acne. At this time, we need to pay attention to eating as light as possible, not eating spicy and stimulating food, and we should drink more water and exercise moderately. If necessary, we can consider taking some heat clearing and fire reducing drugs under the guidance of the doctor, so as to remove the acne on the chest. It is recommended to wear more cotton lightweight underwear to improve air permeability. The skin on the chest should be breathable, or acne will become more and more serious.

Love yourself every second 2024-05-20 11:21:05

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